Why New Year’s resolutions fail

Why New Year’s resolutions fail

It should not come as any surprise, but as it is New Year the subject of this Blog Post is all about why New Year’s resolutions fail.  And it’s no different for people with disabilities.  Why would it be. And here’s a thing. Many unwanted behaviours...
Stress in Work & Disability

Stress in Work & Disability

Hardy a day goes by without something in the news or arriving in my inbox that presents stress in work as the biggest contributor to absenteeism from work in the UK and I will go as far as to say, many other counties too.  I am not going to bring up the plethora of...
Stress in Work & Disability

The disability employment gap

The last time I talked about the ‘disability employment’ gap  was on 23rd June 2014.   You can read more here.  I was particularly pleased to read the comments again. Today People Management have clearly taken notice of my earlier ramblings and it’s...
Stress in Work & Disability

How did I become an expert on disability and work?

The question as to how I am increasingly being seen as the ‘go to expert on disability and work’ is something I was discussing on Saturday, 29th October 2016. If you were sat with me in the front row of the large conference room seating over 200 people  on...
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