A fresh perspective (on their current situation and potential future)


Professional and personal insight (including into any internal obstacles – and the opportunities which might be hiding behind those obstacles – particularly things the customer may see as ‘weaknesses’ but you can see as potential resources. A landmark moment in my own life was when someone pointed out the value to other people of some of the skills I’d developed as the direct result of living with sight-loss)


Clarity (enabling them to see the way forward – and how to take it)


Self-belief (especially in their own ability to find and exploit new opportunities)


Renewed autonomy (you enable them to retake control over their own lives, after their specific situation has taken it from them)


Improved/enhanced self-esteem and, ultimately,


Empowerment (to fulfil their potential – to be the best, most authentic version of themselves, personally and professionally)


Peace of mind (from the knowledge that all these other things are attainable in a flexible, affordable package)

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