by Christopher Catt | Jun 12, 2018 | Blog
How do I start a business without having to leave my job first? This was a recent question I received in my Inbox. “How do I start a business without having to leave my job first”? So imagine as I often hear, “Chris how can I do that when I also...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 5 – How to use the CATT Blueprint to increase results Hi its me again, Chris the Enabled Entrepreneur. In the fifth part of this series I will be providing you with important insights into what the CATT Blueprint is. Now, its all well and good to present...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 4 – What is trust? The CATT Blueprint Hi, it is the Enabled Entrepreneur with the fourth in this five part series explaining what I mean by Trust. If you have enjoyed all the Facebook Lives on this so far, here’s another I did about Trust several...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2018 | Blog
Part 3 – What is transparency? The CATT Blueprint In this third part of what is a five part series, I will explain the importance of Transparency in business and how knowing this will make you more successful. Some of you may prefer to follow a link to the...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 20, 2018 | Blog
Hi it’s Chris Catt, Enabled Entrepreneur, the Blind Leading the Blind. I’m all of these things if you like. I’ve had over 250 views of my Facebook Live, “What is Congruence – The CATT Blueprint” so I am sharing it again, in case...