by Christopher Catt | Mar 21, 2018 | Blog
Hi it’s Chris, the Enabled Entrepreneur and in this post I am going to explain how to be more effective at networking when you are Blind. When I first started my business I was convinced that I must attend every single networking event I could find and the...
by Christopher Catt | Jan 12, 2018 | Blog
I am well aware that using the term Blind Leading the Blind may initially offend some, but I hope once you’ve read and listened to this Post that you will understand the context in which I am using it. I have now captured your attention so let me explain. I get...
by Christopher Catt | Apr 23, 2017 | Blog
This Post is all about HOW you can gain leverage and become a successful entrepreneur by exploiting skills you already have, precisely because you have an impairment or Disability. If you learn what I am going to share with you, you will be ahead of your competitors...